Cancer immunotherapy

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Cancer immunotherapy


IMMUNOTHERAPY is a type of cancer treatment that uses the body’s own immune system to fight cancer. The arsenal of immunotherapies includes both vaccines, oncolytic viruses, transfer of natural killer cells and ex vivo activated T cells, as well as the administration of antibodies or recombinant proteins. These new immuno-oncological treatments are available for children and adults.

 Professor Dr. Reuven Or, the renowned specialist in Bone Marrow Transplantation and Cancer Immunotherapy from Hadassah University Hospital in Jerusalem, Israel, with more than two decades of experience in the research and application of immunotherapy, makes regular visits to Romania to evaluate and treat patients with hematological diagnoses and oncological. They follow IMMUNOTHERAPY treatments and personalized chemo-immunotherapy under the coordination and supervision of reputed teacher.

According to Professor Dr. Reuven Or„Cel maigood time to apply immunotherapy is when the disease is minimized. So, after the operation and the period of adjuvant treatments with chemotherapy or radiation, it is the best time to prevent the recurrence of cancer cells. Immunotherapy uses the patient’s immune system to fight cancer and brain tumors and includes different therapeutic approaches that are currently being studied and researched. They are based on the stimulation of the patient’s body’s own antitumor mechanisms to overcome the immunosuppressive mechanisms and remove the tumor cells”.


Every year, the team Hadassah University Hospital from Ierusalim develops new methods of medical research and international clinical trials, as well as its own authorized therapeutic protocols. Hadassah University Hospital’s reputation for developing cutting-edge treatments and the ability to rapidly bring them into clinical practice allow us to offer innovative treatments for refractory metastatic malignancies.

In order to provide a complementary medical opinion or to recommend immunotherapy as an oncological or hematological treatment, Prof. Dr. REUVEN OR is periodically available for medical consultation for a fee, worth 3800 lei (800 euro), alongside Romanian doctors specializing in oncology and hematology, within the EVA Medical Clinic  (in collaboration with the AMERICAN MEDICAL CENTER).

Schedules and information

For appointments and information, patients will send a medical file in advance to the EVA MEDICAL clinic headquarters, str. Clucerului no. 9, sector 1, BUCHAREST, tel. 0727 727 117, 0310.699.665, 0310.699.885, e-mail: They are carried out on the basis of a written contract-type agreement and by paying in advance the value of the consulting package.

Starting with this consultation, the patient will be able to benefit from the following services:

  • personal medical consultation with Prof. Reuven Or and a specialist doctor of the EVA Medical Clinic, in the field of hematology or oncology – as the case may be;
  • the medical opinion and evaluation for the complete pre-existing medical file (it is mandatory for the patient to send it in advance and then present himself with it for the consultation);
  • indications for further investigation and analysis – as appropriate;
  • complementary opinion for a presumptive diagnosis and the recommendation of an optimal alternative, personalized and effective treatment;
  • estimating in advance the benefits of an immunotherapeutic treatment – ​​depending on the type and stage of the patient’s disease;
  • personalized recommendation / personalized protocol for a therapeutic conduct of immunotherapy based on last-generation biological medication;
  • preliminary financial estimate of the therapy costs, considering that the prices of the latest generation drugs start from a few thousand euros and reach tens of thousands;
  • follow-up medical.