Analyzes settled by CNAS

Home Analyzes settled by CNAS

Laboratory analyzes are received in a settled regime by the Health Insurance House only within the limits of the funds allocated to our laboratories.

Appointments for the analyzes settled by the Bucharest Insurance House will be made directly in the collection centers, based on the doctor’s referral ticket. These will be done within the budget allocated by the Insurance Companies.

Analyzes settled by CNAS

Analysis name
Total serum proteins *1)
Serum protein electrophoresis *1)
Serum ferritin
Serum urea *1)
Serum uric acid *1)
Serum creatinine *1), **)
Total bilirubin *1)
Direct bilirubin *1)
Glucose *1)
Total serum cholesterol *1)
HDL cholesterol *1)
LDL cholesterol *1)
Serum triglycerides *1)
TGP *1)
TGO *1)
Creatine CK
Gama GT
Alkaline phosphatase *1)
Serum sodium *1)
Serum potassium *1)
Total serum calcium *1)
Serum ionic calcium *1)
Magnesium *1)
Sideremia *1)
Phosphorus (serum phosphate)
Complete urinalysis (summary + sediment) *1)
Dosage of urinary proteins *1)
Microalbuminuria (urinary albumin) *8)
Urinary glucose dosage *1)
Urinary creatinine *8)
Analysis name
Bacteriological examination of pharyngeal exudate – Native and colored microscopic examination, bacterial culture and identification *1)
Pharyngeal exudate fungal examination – Native and stained microscopic examination, culture and fungal identification *1)
Analysis name
Urine culture *1) Native and stained microscopic examination, culture and bacterial identification
Analysis name
Coproculture *1) Native and colored microscopic examination, culture and bacterial identification
Mycological examination of faecal matter – Native and stained microscopic examination, culture and fungal identification
Coproparasitological examination *1)
Detection of occult hemorrhages *1)
Analysis name
Examinations of vaginal secretions – Native and colored microscopic examination, culture and bacterial identification
Examinations of vaginal secretions – Native and colored microscopic examination, culture and fungal identification
Analysis name
Exams from urethral secretions – Native and colored microscopic examination, culture and bacterial identification
Exams from urethral secretions – Native and colored microscopic examination, culture and fungal identification
Analysis name
Analysis name
Bacteriological examination of nasal secretions – native and colored microscopic examination, bacterial culture and identification *1)
Fungal examination of nasal secretions – Native and colored microscopic examination, fungal culture and identification *1)
Analysis nameTarif
Bacteriological examination of conjunctival secretions – Native and colored microscopic examination, bacterial culture and identification
Fungal examination of conjunctival secretions – Native and colored microscopic examination, fungal culture and identification
Analysis name
Analysis name
Analysis name
TSH *1)
FT4 *1)
Serum parathormone (PTH)
Folliculinostimulating hormone FSH
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Anti-HAV IgM *2)
Ag HBs (screening) *2)
Anti HCV *2)
HIV testing in pregnant women *1)
ASLO *1)
VDRL *1) or RPR *1)
TPHA Confirmation *4)
Antigen Helicobacter Pylori *1)
Serum complement C3
Serum complement C4
IgG serum
IgA, serum
IgM serum
IgE serum
C-reactive protein *1)
Rheumatoid factor
free PSA *6)
Analysis name
Complete blood count – hemoglobin, hematocrit, red blood cell count, white blood cell count, platelet count, white blood cell count, red blood cell indices *1)
Reticulocyte counter
Cytological examination of the blood smear *3)
VSH *1)
Blood group determination in pregnant women ABO *1)
Analysis name

*) A set includes 1-4 tests and a maximum of 2 sets are settled; it is performed on the recommendation of specialist doctors from the oncology and hematology specialties or without the specialist doctor’s recommendation, under the responsibility of the pathological anatomy doctor when deemed necessary to establish the diagnosis.

**) Laboratories record the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eRGF) using the 2009 CKD-EPI formula on the analysis bulletins at each determination of serum creatinine, for insured persons who have indicated on the referral ticket for paraclinical investigations necessary for the case management of chronic kidney disease. In the situation where the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eRGF) is not written on the analysis reports of patients with case management, the investigation is not settled by the Health Insurance House.

*1) Paraclinical investigations that can be recommended by family doctors.

*2) Paraclinical investigations that can also be recommended by family doctors only for pregnant women and contacts of cases diagnosed by specialist doctors.

*3) It is settled only if it is performed by the laboratory doctor or by specialists with higher non-medical studies who specialize in hematology if the complete blood count shows changes in parameters, without the recommendation of the specialist or family doctor, under the responsibility of the laboratory doctor.

*4) It is settled only if the VDRL or RPR is positive, without the recommendation of the family doctor or the specialist in clinical specialties, under the responsibility of the laboratory doctor.

*5) It is settled only if the culture is positive, without the recommendation of the family doctor or specialist from the clinical specialties, under the responsibility of the laboratory doctor. An antibiogram/antifungigram is settled, as appropriate, for each of the positive cultures identified.

*6) It is recommended for patients with oncological conditions, by specialist doctors in the clinical specialties of oncology and hematology and by specialist urology doctors for the differential diagnosis of prostate cancer. It is settled only for determined values ​​of PSA between 4 – 10 nanograms/ml or between 4 – 10 micrograms/liter without the recommendation of the family doctor or specialist, under the responsibility of the laboratory doctor.

*7) The price includes paraffin block, sectioning, hematoxylin-eosin staining and histopathological diagnosis.

*8) Paraclinical investigations that can be recommended by family doctors, for insured persons who have highlighted on the referral ticket for paraclinical investigations case management for HTN, dyslipidemia, diabetes type 2, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive respiratory disease (COPD) and chronic lung disease kidneys, as appropriate.

For bacterial and fungal cultures, the price includes all diagnostic stages: microscopic examinations, culture and identification.

All histopathological and cytological examinations (with the exception of immunohistochemical tests) in the basic outpatient package are performed only for samples collected in outpatient specialty offices; a maximum of 6 blocks can be taken from the pieces collected from the ambulatory.